you've been following the news lately, you're probably aware of the current
kerfuffle over the residency of our current crop of Senators.
appears to have started as a targeted shot at one or two Senators is beginning
to snowball into something much larger. Where do our Senators live when they
aren't in the Senate?
Okay, from what I gather this all started with
someone wondering why some Senators were claiming living expenses for being in
Ottawa even though they actually own homes in the area. One of these Senators
is Mac Harb who sits as a Liberal in the Senate.
Harb has owned a home in the Ottawa area going back to the 1970s, but he still
claims Senate living expenses because his “home" is in Pembroke, Ontario.
Pembroke is outside of the 100km limit to claim these living expenses.
Senator Harb lived there before he got his appointment then he would be within
the rules. Is this an abuse of the rules? I'd say so, but my say so doesn't carry a lot
of weight in these matters. This is just another one of those rules that the
people in charge like to make to subsidize their own kind.
another Senator, David Tkachuk (Conservative) has been given the job of
determining the real residences of all the Senators.
Tkachuk seems to be a reasonable man. He lives in Ottawa during the week and
travels home on the weekends. We might be annoyed that he flies back and forth
to Saskatchewan, but that's allowed, it is part of the rules... And at least we
know where his residence is.
I don't know if Sen. Tkachuk had an agenda to target one or two Senators or if
he wanted to make sure all the Senators were on the up and up, but he told the Senators
that he needed proof of residency from all of them. He wanted copies of their
Health Cards and Driver's Licenses, the same things you or I would show to
prove where we live. Oh and proof of where they vote.
Sen. Tkachuk made his request, odd things started to happen. A certain fellow
from PEI suddenly needed his Health Card renewed and some people wondered why
if a Senator lived in their town, they had never seen them. And then the News
People woke up.
News Folks might be late to parties, but when they smell blood they dive right
Sen. Harb seems to have fallen off of the radar being replaced by much higher
profile Senators...
Senator Duffy (Conservative) who
suddenly needed his Health Card renewed found out that he can't renew it, he's
been away so long he needs to apply for a new one. He doesn't qualify for the
tax break for having a residence in PEI, and he apparently voted in the Ontario
provincial election.
Senator Brazeau (Conservative)
appears to own a home in the Ottawa area, but claims he lives with his Dad.
Senator Brazeau also seems to have claimed residency on a Native Reserve at
another time for tax breaks but no one there can recall him living there.
now Senator Pamela Wallin (Conservative)
is facing questions over her Saskatchewan residency. Although she owns property
there, she has spent most of the last decade between New York City and Toronto.
Tkachuk seems to have opened a can of worms and is now looking for outside
help. What is a simple question to us may be more complicated issue in the
Senate. Senator Tkachuk realizes that his way of maintaining a home may not
work for others. It might be easier for some to live in Ottawa and visit
"home" from time to time.
the Constitution requires a Senator to reside in their home province and work
in Ottawa.
what does residency mean?
most people this is easy. We live in our residences, we call it home. We go to work
and sleep at home. Some who live far
from their jobs may spend the work week close to their job and travel home on
weekends, much like Sen. Tkachuk does. Students may live at school or nearby,
but come home for Christmas.
students are a special group. When it comes to elections, students get to
choose where they vote. They are allowed to vote either at home or where they
live. But does that define residency?
the issue that Sen. Tkachuk is wrestling with.
provinces also have rules governing residency.
Depending on where you live, the amount of time you need to spend there
to be a resident varies. Most provinces will only allow you to be out of
province for six months in a year. Beyond
that and your Health Card lapses.
what is a reasonable requirement?
Senate is usually sits between 60 and 100 days in a year, but that doesn't take
other Senate business into account. Senators have other duties besides sitting
in the Senate Chambers, they also sit on Senate Committees as well as House of
Commons Committees. Just as most MPs have duties outside of the House and
Committee work Senators have other business to attend to as well.
maintain our health insurance, we need to reside in our provinces for a certain
number of days each year. The number of days varies by province, 122 (NL), 153 (ON), or 183 in the rest of Canada.
Would it be reasonable to hold Senators to the same standard that applies to
the rest of us?
majority of us live with the 183 day rule, maybe they should too... Fair's fair
isn't it?
maybe, but the Senate Schedule is a bit odd. They usually run 20 to 24 weeks a year, but
they run in blocks of 3 or 4 weeks with a week or two off in between and July
and August set aside as summer vacation.
is a bit of a mess, but I’m sure they will figure something out. They always do… but I don’t know if anyone would
accept Senator Duffy’s 60 days in PEI a year an acceptable standard.
no longer a betting man, but I’d wager that
if they do anything that it won’t adversely affect any sitting Senators... If
they set a number of days, it will likely be 122 or less…
they’ll surprise me. I’ll offer this idea to Senator Tkachuk for free… it shall be required that any person
being considered for a seat in the Senate to provide proof of residency of 183
or more days per calendar year for the 3 years prior to being installed in the
would have solved most of these problems before they happened, but actually
knowing what you were doing would have solved most of these issues before they
happened. Like being aware that there is a residency
requirement in the Constitution for Senators. But when the guy making the picks says things
like “I’m the Boss, I make the rules” I guess all bets are off.
Steve, I’m looking at you.
Reasonable suggestion ....