me get on my soap box so you can see me better.
I ask that you hold your questions until the end… I can’t promise to
answer all your questions or comments but I can assure that I will read them
and consider them…
and neighbours, I’d like to speak for a bit on a subject very dear to me, a
subject I feel is very important to all of us, the subject of Democracy.
I don’t plan on going into a long winded explanation of how we got Democracy
from the Greeks or how it was used throughout the ages, I’m just going to touch
upon Canadian Democracy.
came across an item while I was looking for something else about how Members of
Parliament, prior to the Second World War, were required to surrender their seat in the House of Commons
and run in a by-election if they were deemed worthy to be a member of Cabinet.
intrigued me. Imagine, after winning an
election the newly minted Prime Minister comes to you and says “I’d like you to
be my Minister of …” and then you’d have to decide whether you wanted to be in
it would be a no brainer, a pay raise, a larger staff, a title, it all sounds
good doesn’t it? But back then you’d
have to decide if you wanted the headaches and hassle of running again for the
seat that you had just won, and the risk that you might lose.
would they do such a thing?
was tradition, it was the convention, it was done that way because that was the
way it was done.
But this
wasn’t some strange idea that Canadians dreamed up to complicate running a
Country, it was in fact part of the Westminster Parliamentary system. This was and is the system we inherited from
Britain when we became a Country in our own right.
that time, the Parties didn’t have as much control over the individual or
Private Members of the House of Commons.
An MP’s job was to represent their constituency and to hold the
Government to account. The Government
being the Prime Minister and the Cabinet.
if you’ve ever watched Question Period from the House in London, you may have
seen vestiges of this. Occasionally a
Member from the Government Side of the House will rise to ask a pointed
question about policy or a proposed law which would not be a good thing for
their home constituency. As a Private
Member, you have the ability to challenge the Government, as a Member of
Cabinet, you do not.
see as a Minister you are required to support any policy or legislation that
the Government brings forward even if you think it is a bad idea, even if it is
bad for your constituency.
there was merit in having these by elections back then. If the people supported Bob Brown because
they thought he would do a good job of representing them even if he belonged to
the wrong party, the people could toss Bob out and elect someone else if they
didn’t like the Party he was affiliated with, the Government he would be
things certainly have changed. At least
here they have.
certainly is a rare event to hear an MP stand up to his or her own Party. It’s political suicide. At best you’d likely lose any status you have
built up with the Party and be a back bencher for life, and at worst you might
have your seat taken away and a new candidate parachuted in to replace you. Today you cannot run for the Party of your
choice unless the leader of the Party signs your nomination papers so it is
best to keep the leader happy if you want to be an MP.
whatever happened to this odd rule? Well
after a number of minority governments in the 1920s, it just disappeared in the
see this wasn’t a law that you had to run in a by-election, it wasn’t even a
real rule. It was merely a convention,
like saying “Thank you” or “You’re welcome”, you don’t Have to say these things, but we generally do anyway… it’s the way
things are done.
of the “rules” we have in our Parliamentary system are just conventions. It’s part of the way our Democracy works.
you ever wondered why when the Speaker of the House is selected, they are
escorted to the Speaker’s Chair by the leaders of the Government and the
Opposition? Have you ever wondered why
they pretend they don’t want the job?
part of the same thing. Traditionally
the Speaker was chosen from the Opposition side to weaken the Opposition and to
show that the Speaker holds no favouritism to the Government. The Speaker also surrenders their ability to
speak for their constituents in the House.
use of the prorogue is another example.
Traditionally the prorogue was used by the Government to show that they
have met the goals they set out in the Throne Speech and to provide a break
with which to draw up a new set of goals and a new Throne Speech. Often a prorogue would be called when there
is a normal break scheduled for the Legislature. This would give the Government plenty of time
to set a new agenda, but there are also examples of short breaks as well, such
as a prorogue in Ontario’s Provincial Parliament that lasted only a few hours.
kind of handy for historians too. A
prorogue can break up a Parliament into Sessions, so if you are looking for a
specific item, you wouldn’t have 4 or 5 years worth of information to go
through, but only 2 or 3. You could look
for the 42nd Parliament, 2nd Session for example.
the prorogue has also been abused, used as a “get out of trouble card” if a Government is having a bad go of it.
Chrétien prorogued Parliament during the Sponsorship Scandal, but he was on his
way out as Liberal leader and Paul Martin could very well have used the same
tool to set his agenda as he was coming in to replace Chrétien.
Harper has also used the prorogue to get out of trouble twice so far. Once when the opposition parties were lining
up to bring down his minority government and then again when the Afghan
detainee situation was threatening to boil over. Lately Harper has said he will prorogue again
this summer, he claims it is so he can set a new agenda but the Senate Scandal that is
knocking at his door suggests other motives are at play.
as a people we have seen some great changes in our electoral system. We have gone from a show of hands at a local
beer hall to the secret ballot. We have
gone from a time when only men of wealth or property were the only ones who
could vote to a time where virtually all citizens have the right to vote and
there are not a lot of places that can say that.
while our electoral system has been improved, our governance has gone the other
way. Our individual MPs , our voices in
the House are for the most part muzzled.
If you want to be more than a backbencher for your political career you pretty much have to toe the Party line
and that rings true for pretty much all the parties, but even more so for some.
would love to see at least one backbencher on the Harper side of the House
stand up and say "No" to limiting debate, to say "No" to omnibus legislation.
need our MPs to have voices again and not just parrot the party line regardless
which party is handing out the talking points.
how do we do this? I don’t know.
don’t even know If we can do
have seen the gradual diminishment of the MP to the point where they are little
more than place markers in the House of Commons. After we find out how many seats each party
won, we don’t need ‘em any more.
power in Ottawa appears to be getting so concentrated that we may not even need
a Cabinet any more other than to reward good MPs for reading their talking
points and not being an embarrassment to the Government. It seems all they do is read their talking
points anyways, and that includes the Cabinet Ministers.
of pointy sticks or cattle prods, how do we remind our MPs that we sent them to Ottawa to represent us
and not to just send us periodic reports on what a wonderful job their leader
is (or would be) doing.
we should go back through the long forgotten conventions of our Parliamentary
system and make them use them again, in the ways they are supposed to be
used? Maybe 39 by-elections for Cabinet
appointments would make people wonder what the devil is going on in Ottawa?
endeth the Rant for Today,
appreciate your time.