[Preamble: I’ve had a number of thoughts running loose
in my head and I’ve tried to stitch them together somewhat here. At the risk of having Godwin’s Law or one of
the corollaries tossed at me, I even read about Germany in the 1930’s. There are parallels… look it up for yourself.
as Canadians have taken our democracy for granted. It seems our government was based on the idea
that no party would go outside the mostly unwritten rules that have been
followed for over 140 years. Ooops.
in Canada is at risk, if it still exists today.
is a bit of an omnibus rant, a catchall for my thoughts.
you have any thoughts to add, please do.
I’d like to hear what other people thinking. B.C.]
a recent post, I wondered about the cost of the F-35 JSF program to Canadians.
I was thinking was Dollars and Cents, but the biggest costs are to Truth,
Honesty and Integrity of our government and our system of government.
live in a Parliamentary Democracy. Or at
least we used to. The voice of every
member of the House is supposed to be equal and every member is supposed to be representing
the voice of their constituency.
members are charged with the responsibility of listening to and taking part in
the arguments for and against proposed legislation and policy of our government
both at the committee level and as part of the House.
can this be done without the actual information that backs the proposals made
by the government?
pulls me right back to the F 35 fiasco as well as just about any legislation
that the Stephen Harper Party (SHP) puts forward.
can you realistically decide on what kind of aircraft we can afford when the
numbers being provided by the SHP don’t agree with anything outside of the
SHP’s little scenarios?
now we get yet another ominous omnibus bill.
time it’s a budget bill… 498 pages of budget bill (or so I’ve read) which
contains over 100 pages of changes to the way environmental assessments are
performed in the future. Basically, the Harper
Party doesn’t want interlopers like the Sierra Club or Greenpeace from having a
say in any assessments, only those who are directly involved. So if they want to run a pipeline through Your community, you can say something,
your neighbours can too… then the corporate lawyers representing the corporate
interests get their say.
will have a better argument? I’ll bet on
the lawyers.
And if some
organization wants to stick up for you?
They’re not directly involved, they don’t get to speak.
then there are changes for EI in this “budget bill” as well, such as moving
changes in EI rules from legislation to regulation.
what? That now the changes to EI will be
decided behind closed doors by Ministers rather than being debated and voted on
in the House.
yes, they’ve limited debate on this bill as well.
this what the Reformers wanted? I thought Reform was all about grass roots
democracy, more say for the people.
we are getting is less debate, more
decisions behind closed doors and no say for the people. Less democracy.
we are getting are omnibus bills with limited debate and whole provisions added
with no formal announcements or explanations from the government. Again, less democracy.
the first time in history we’ve have a Prime Minister who was found to be in
contempt of the House of Commons for failure to provide information requested
by the House. We have Bev not Oda
who lied to the House and earned a charge of contempt as well. A government who privately boast of doing
“God’s work” in promoting the Tar Sands… the list just goes on and on.
things got bad in the House for Lord Stephen in a minority, he locked the
doors. In a childish tantrum he picked
up the ball and went home… Well actually
he ran to the Governor General and hid behind her skirt… twice.
that he has a majority, he no longer needs to run away, he just yells “Shut
Up!” and limits debate and then we go to the Marionette Theatre once again.
this old cat has been around long enough to see his share nonsense floating
around in Ottawa.
just want an honest and open debate about why they are doing what they are
doing… without invoking closure or limiting debate.
is democracy Stephen. If you don’t like
it, take your Party and leave.
an aside, I wonder if instead of calling them the Stephen Harper Party (SHP) I
should have called them the Stephen Harper Team?
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